Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sit here for the present, or the prezi...

I like the Prezi concept - it's a bit more "outside the box" than, say, Powerpoint.  However, I didn't find it all that user-friendly, and it wasn't very easy to edit.  I think all the Prezis our 23Thingers have been creating this week are pretty great - most much better than my sad, uncreative attempt.  But it obviously just takes practice.  Prezi is still very new to me.  I think that when I need to create presentations (haven't had many opportunities in my career yet), I might opt to use the presentation feature in Google docs, and then if I need to share it, I'd probably go with Slideshare.  But here's a Prezi that I think is kind of neat, even though it makes me a little dizzy:
Social media and its impact on Information Library Services.

As LLDP4 starts up this week, I am looking forward to incorporating Google docs and maybe Prezi into my groupwork.  It will be interesting to actually use these tools in a work context.

1 comment:

  1. I liked that Prezi for the content and for the execution!
