Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Kind of digging this thing

Social bookmarking:  I have used Digg a bit, but I've never actually gotten into the "social" aspect of it.  I mainly like the idea of being able to have all my bookmarks saved in a single place, accessible from any computer.  Actually, so far I've only used Digg like an RSS feed - I enjoy seeing the popular news feeds that people have chosen.  Email, RSS, Twitter, social bookmarking, etc:  it's a never-ending supply of news feeds.  And in terms of organizing my bookmarks in a single location, I have used Google Bookmarks for this purpose.

Now that I've signed up to Diigo, I think I might actually use it instead of Google Bookmarks.  I like how "My Library" organizes bookmarks.  It's similar to GB in terms of tagging, but it adds some other features like highlighting.  (The bookmarks I save in GB or Diigo aren't my everyday-use ones, since those are easy to remember or Google wherever I am.)  Another thing I really like about Diigo is the extension for Chrome that I have downloaded.  (Google Chrome is the primary browser I use.)  The Diigo extension is pretty slick: a single click... add a few tags... and voila.  But again, I'm not sure if I'll get into the social side of it: adding friends, or a profile, or making my bookmarks public.  FB is enough "social" for me.

Widgets: as we have found, all our web pages are chock full of widgets/gadgets.  I love how easy it is to personalize my blog and iGoogle page (although I haven't used iGoogle in a while).  Widgets and apps - this is what mobile technology is all about, right?

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